Champions in the Pool.

Champions in Life

Swimmer Expectations

The following expectations apply to all SSC swimmers. Please know and understand these rules - SSC athletes are held to a higher standard and are expected to be ready to be a great teammate, every day.

1. Please arrive 5-10 minutes early for practice. Wait in the bleachers until practice starts. Swimmers should not be wandering the hallways without adult supervision by coaching staff.

2. Come prepared for practice - be sure to bring your suit, towel, and cap and goggles.

3. Bring your equipment bag to every practice.

4. Please wear tennis shoes and have appropriate dryland attire (shorts/t-shirt) over your suit.

5. Be respectful to coaches, other athletes. and volunteers.

6. No hitting, pushing or spitting water at other swimmers.

7. Wait to enter the water until told to by coaches. When practice is over, all swimmers will exit the water promptly.

8. Stay off dryland equipment unless instructed by a coach.

9. No loitering or "hanging out" in locker rooms. Plan to be in and out in under five minutes.

10. No cell phones in or around locker rooms. 

11. No inappropriate language, put downs, or negative self talk. Be positive in your interactions with yourself and others.