Champions in the Pool.

Champions in Life

2023-2024 Sponsorship Opportunities

Join our program in what will be our most impactful year to date!

Southeastern Swim Club is a year-round competitive USA Swimming club offering professional coaching and technique instruction for athletes of all ages and abilities. Each week nearly 300 children ages 6-18 join us in the pool as part of Southeastern Swim Club's competitive team. 

We believe that swimming in a club provides our athletes with the development of athletic ability, an increase in self-esteem, and a network of friends.  These benefits have a ripple effect in their everyday lives in school and in the community, as well as for their life trajectory.  

Our sponsors play an essential role in our success, enabling us to do far more than we could alone.  As a 501c3 nonprofit organization, every sponsorship dollar helps us to carry out our mission; to empower youth to develop character and realize their potential in a positive, fun, and safe environment.  

If you are interested in learning more about sponsoring our athletes through our sponsorship program, please click here.

If you are ready to complete your sponsorship commitment, please click to fill out this form.

Questions about sponsorships can be directed to Lindsay Dieckman at