Champions in the Pool.

Champions in Life

Future Royals 2 - Fall Week 4 Newsletter

Kylie Love

Champions in the Pool. Champions In Life.



What a great first couple of weeks with our group! I have already seen improvements in our strokes and everyone has been doing such a wonderful job getting used to using a snorkel! We will contiue to work on head and body position as well as more kicking! This month was very kick and drill heavy, we we will start to add more swimming, starts and finishes as we get closer to more meets!

Coach Blake and Coach Maegen have encouraged us to work on a few things as an Age Group Program as a whole this month as they discussed in the parent meeting last week. This month we are really focusing on head/body position and kicking... lots of kicking!

In the next few weeks, I will be scheduling a parent meeting either before/after practice specifically for our group. This will be a time where we will go over my group expectations, you can meet out new team parents, ask questions, etc. Please be on the lookout for this date in the GroupMe soon.


Below are a few important reminders/updates for this week:

  • We are going to be starting up BLUE FRIDAYS again this year! Each Friday, please have your athlete show their ROYAL PRIDE by sporting either a blue shirt/sweatshirt or an SSC/HSE Swimming shirt to school!
  • Please make sure your swimmer has and is bringing all of their equipment everyday! If there is something you haven't been able to purchase or you have questions, please let me know, but we are really starting to use fins and kickboard especially each day so it is important that we have what we need to be successful.
  • We have suits/warm-ups to try on at the pool so let me know if you would like your swimmer to try anything before ordering the new team apparel for this year! Below is the link for Elsmore Swim Shop to purchase gear, suits and
  • There are a few days coming up that I will be out due to prior commitments:
    • I am currently helping sponsor and coach our Unified Flag Football team here at HSE in their innaugural season and our first games are taking place this month! I will be out/leaving early the 11th, 18th, 25th and October 2nd (all Wednesdays) so these practices will be lead by Coach Campbell. I may be in/out on the 11th, 25th and 2nd due to the location of the games being closer.
    • Saturday September 28th I will be out for a wedding in California - coverage for the Super Splash will be communicated when it has been determined.
  • A huge THANK YOU to our AMAZING team parents for our group this season - Andrea Byl, Angie Springman and Alyssa Barr!  They will be helping communicate important information, reminders and (a group favorite) planning snacks!  They are asking that each swimmer signs up for 2 slots for snacks using the Sign-Up Genius below.  Please make sure you are receiving the Team Parent email with more information.  If you are not, please reach out so you can be added! :) 


    • ​Here is the link to join our Future Royals 2 Parents Group-Me!  If you have not joined yet, please do so as this is a great way for us to communicate with one another and connect our group!


For those of you who don't know me already , here is a quick "About Me" to get to know me better!

My name is Kylie Love (formerly Sutherlin, I recently got married) and I am a Royal at heart! I started my swimming journey at SSC in the lessons program at age 6 and ended my competitive swimming career with SSC the summer before my sennior year of college at age 22. I attended Hamiton Southeastern High School and graduated in 2016, helping bring home a State Runner-Up title my senior year while also being part of the pool and school record-setting 400 Freestyle Relay team in the process. After graduating, I went on to swim and Study Elementary Special Education at Eastern Michigan University. I graduated from EMU in December of 2021 with my teaching degree and decided it was time to come home, not only to Indiana, but to HSE/SSC as well! I got a job as a Special Education teacher here at HSE High School in January of 2022 and have loved it ever since. Swimming has been such a huge part of my life for so long and I am thankful to be back at the club that has provided so much to me, working alongside so many coaches who helped get me to where I am today!



We have some familiar faces returning to our group this fall while also welcoming some new swimmers from Future Royals 1 and some who are new to the team all together! Below I have included a "Meet Our Group" chart that will help everyone get to know the members of our FR2 family! :)

Sarah Alsadi Adley Barker

Nash Barr

Caroline Breske Harper Byl

Myla Guiden

Layla Halvorson Timmy Lawrance

Chloe McIntosh

Arjun Rajput Addison Sealls

Viyaana Shukla

Nora Springman Meghna Vinesh

Jameson Voigtman


Krystal Wang 




Please make sure swimmers have all swimming equipment they need for training - labeled with their name and group (FR2) in Sharpie! We will be adding a new piece of equipment this fall ... A SNORKEL! I recommend going to Elsmore Swim Shop with your swimmer so they can help make sure you get a snorkel that will fit!

Now is a great time to check and see if anything needs to be replaced (Fins too small? Goggles leaking? Mesh bag ripped? Kickboard missing?). I have included a list below, as well as the link to the equipment that we need and a phone number/address for Elsmore. 

  • Mesh Bag (optional but recommended)
  • Swim Suit
  • Cap (this will be a required piece of equipment in our group this year!)
  • Goggles
  • Towel
  • Kickboard
  • Fins 
  • SNORKEL :)
  • Water Bottle 





Weekly, our schedule will be Mondays and Fridays from 5:20 - 6:20pm, Wednesdays from 5:00 - 6:00pm and Saturdays from 11:30 - 12:30pm.  If there will be any change to our regular schedule I will let you know as soon as possible and with as much notice as I can to help you prepare or make arrangements if necessary. 

PLEASE send your swimmer ready for dryland each practice.  We will typically only do dryland activities on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY but I like for swimmers to be prepared in the case that we do any type of land activity on a different day. Dryland attire includes:

  • T-shirt (preferably SSC if possible)
  • Shorts/Sweatpants
  • TENNIS SHOES - NO Crocs, flip flops or sandals of any kind!
    • For the safety of all athletes, swimmers will NOT participate in ANY type of running activities if they come with shoes other than tennis shoes. They will be asked to participate in stationary exercises only.
  • Water Bottle


MONDAY- September 23rd, 2024 from 5:20 - 6:20pm 

WEDNESDAY- September 25th, 2024 from 5:00 - 6:00pm with Coach Campbell (Be prepared for dryland!)

FRIDAY - September 27th, 2024 - NO PRACTICE due to Homecoming Football Game! Go Royals! :) 

SATURDAY - September 28th, 2024 - WELCOME SPLASH (more info below)


A calendar link for our full-season schedule will be provided soon.  This link will be included in our weekly newsletters as well as added to the website.  Any and all changes made to our weekly or full-seasons schedule will be communicated in our weekly newsletters and updated on the link.  




  • Welcome Super Splash at Hamilton Southeastern High School
    • Saturday September 28th ***UPDATED DATE***
    • Warmups will start at 11 am, with the meet beginning at 12:00p.
    • I will be pulling athletes that are signed up for this meet on Monday or Wednesday to pick events :)
  • SSC SwimFest at Hamilton Southeastern High School
    • Friday, October 4th - Sunday, October 6th
    • I will be pulling athletes that are signed up for this meet on Monday or Wednesday to pick events :)
  • SSC Barn Dance at Sleepy Bear Campground (13231 East 146th Street, Noblesville, IN 46060
    • Saturday October 26th from 5:00 - 8:00pm
    • Registration Deadline - October 18th.  You can sign up HERE!
    • Cost is $13 per person and includes food/dessert.  Be sure to include the total number of people from your family attending, including your swimmer(s), as well as any food allergies in the notes box. 
    • 5:00 pm - Dinner & Games (games are back!)
      5:45 pm - Parade of Costumes! Call all Future Royals 1-3 swimmers, there will be a parade of costumes! Make sure you are decked out in your halloween costume so you can show them off and be crowned "Best Costume"!
      6:00 pm - Group Skits. Order will be FR 4, JR 1, JR 2, JR 3, JR 4, Royals! Coaches will be communicating skit practice times with FR 4, JR 1, JR 2, JR 3, JR 4 groups. Get creative, have fun and come away as the 2024 "Best Skit " winners!
      7:15 pm - Trunk-or-Treat. This year, Future Royal, Junior Royal and Royal Groups will be competing together as teams to come away with the "Best Group Trunk-or-Treat" award! More information will be emailed out this week about how to sign up and participate!
      7:45 pm - Awards handed out for Best Costume, Best Skit and Best Group Trunk-or-Treat.
      8:00 pm - Event Concludes
  • Noblesville Ice Breaker at Noblesville High School
    • ​Friday November 1st - Sunday November 3rd
    • REGISTRATION DEADLINE - OCTOBER 18th! You can register your swimmer HERE!
    • More information coming soon! :)




A big "THANK YOU" to Coach Campbell for putting these links all together in one place! For anyone who wants to be more involved or read more on the swimming community, here are some links to check out!




If you ever have any questions, comments or concerns please don't hesitate to reach out to me by email at

Please allow at least a 24 hour response window to any email.  I am typically pretty quick to respond, but as I have said before I am a teacher a well and work from 7:15 - 3:15 each day.  I may also not have the answer that you are looking for and am utilizing my resources to get the best information for you.  In that case I will reach out and let you know that I am looking into it and will be getting back to you as soon as possible.  In case of an emergency, or last minute change, please utilize our Group Me or contact me at 317-752-8465.

Thank you for your cooperation!  I truly look forward to working with your swimmers this season and helping them become the best they can be in and out of the pool!


Kylie Love 

Future Royals 2 Coach | Assistant Royals Coach


"Foster a culture that inspires a commitment to personal excellence while developing leaders who embrace all challenges and ignite the sparks for change"