Champions in the Pool.

Champions in Life

Future Royal 3 - Week 4 Newsletter

Crystal Schmollinger


Champions in the Pool. Champions In Life.



Future Royals 3 

We had a wonderful week at the pool! Everyone is working hard, being coachable and making a lot of progress. Our dryland activities included activation stretching and different games where kids were having fun and learning to work together. In the pool, we worked on butterly, backstroke turns and building our endurance.

This week we will work on breaststroke, starts and finishes. We will also prepare for our first meet on Saturday! We will continue to build endurance and review the drills we covered in the first three weeks of this season.

Please make sure that your swimmer is bringing their equipment to each practice, including tennis shoes for dryland.



Mon: 5:20-6:50pm (Dryland + Swim) 

Wed: 5:15-6:45pm (Dryland + Swim) 

Fri: NO PRACICE (Home HS Football Game)

Sat: Welcome Splash (Warmups - 11am, Meet Start - 12pm)


Next Week:

Mon: 5:20-6:50pm (Dryland + Swim)

Wed: 5:15 - 6:45pm (Dryland + Swim)

Fri. - Sun: Swimfest 2024


The calendar link is now live on the website. 






Welcome Splash (September 30th): Sign up by September 23. CLICK HERE to sign up! 


SSC Swimfest (Oct 4-Oct 6)


Meet Schedule: Coming Soon



GroupMe: If you are not apart of the FR3 GroupMe, this is a great way to stay connected with me as well as the other FR3 families. GroupMe Link.

Snack Sign Up: Melissa and Bryant Myroup are out team parents this season (thank you!). They have created a snack sign up to provide after practice. Snack Sign Up Link

We are going to be doing BLUE FRIDAY’S again this year! Each Friday, please have your athlete show their ROYAL PRIDE by sporting either a blue shirt/sweatshirt or an SSC/HSE Swimming shirt! 

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me ( or you can text/call 317-625-6166.   

Thank you! 

Crystal Schmollinger

Future Royals 3 Coach


"Foster a culture that inspires a commitment to personal excellence while developing leaders who embrace all challenges and ignite the sparks for change"