Champions in the Pool.

Champions in Life

Royals 1-2-3 Week of Oct 22

Rich Wolfred


Champions in the Pool. Champions In Life.


Roayls 1-2-3 – Week 4

We had a visit from Coach Jeff last Friday.  It was great to have him meet the swimmers.  He was excited just to be on the pool deck with all of us.  Good energy and lots of fun

I am on vacation this week, but we have amazing coaches that are doing a great job while I am away.  If you need anything thing, reach out to Blake and he should be able to answer any questions.

CALENDAR Sept 22-28

Please note the change in the schedule this week.  Training will shift to more maintenance work as compared to last week.  It is also Homecoming week so we are taking some practices out of the schedule

Mon: Royals 2-3, 6-7:45am,  All Royals 3:10-5:20pm

Tue: All Royals Dryland 6:45-8am,  All Royals 3:10-5:20pm

Wed: Royals No practice this day

Thu: All Royals Dryland 6:45-8am,  All Royals 3:10-5:20pm

Fri: Royals 2-3 6-7:45am, No practice in the afternoon 

Sat All Royals Swim and Dryland 7-10am



Sept 30th Welcome Splash, Royals typically do not swim in this meet.

Oct 4-5th All Royals should sign up for this meet.

Nov 15th-17th City of Mason, OH invite.  We want all of you to attend this meet if possible.  Especially Royals 3.  Girls will need a IHSAA waiver to swim in the meet.  Ask Coach Rich or Blake about this.

There will be no club meet for seniors in December.  We will swim in the MLK Classic in Jan.


Swim Fest: Entries will be done this week. Please make sure your swimmer is signed up.  Looking forward to seeing these guys compete.

HSE Swim Team Chili Cookoff:  This is an annual event where the HS parents gather and have a chili cookoff.  Great way for Freshman parents to meet the rest of the parents.  Save the date of October 27th, from 1pm-5pm.  More details coming soon and check the HS parent Facebook page.

SSC Barn Dance: This year’s barn dance is October 26th from 5-8pm.  More details soon but please plan on attending.

Team Suits:  There has been some confusion on what suit to buy this year for the senior team.  All Royals swimmers just need to buy one suit.  You can leave it blank or have the high school logo put on it.  You will only need one suit for club and high school.

Equipment:  Some kids are still missing equipment.  Please get that taken care of soon.

Snorkel, Pull Buoy, Hand Paddles, Short Fins, Long Fins, Drag sox
(Size 45) D-Band, Tempo Trainer (Royals 2-3)

Absence:  I have attached an absence form for the swimmer to fill out if they are missing a practice for any reason.  They need to turn this in before they are absent.  It helps me know who to expect at each practice and I can keep track of those who do not show up.  Thanks for your help.

Breakfast:  The Laneline Café has been going well.  Parents are keeping it well stocked, and the swimmers have been doing a super job keeping it clean.

Senior Trip: The trip itinerary has been posted to the website.  All communications will be to those who are going on the trip.

Questions:  If you have any lingering questions, please email me and I will get back to you.


Thank you all and have a great week of training