Champions in the Pool.

Champions in Life

FR1 Newsletter: Week 3 Fall 2024

Campbell Patterson

Champions in the Pool. Champions In Life.


Future Royal 1, Week 3 - Upcoming Week


Last week we focused mostly on refining and honing our kicking skills in both freestyle and backstroke, we also started to introduce backstroke through our double-arm backstroke drill! 

This upcoming week we'll continue our kicking focus (with a greater emphasis on backstroke over freestyle), and work to make sure our foundations (body position, kicking skill, and head position) are solid before we move into more stroke-specific drills!


For announcements/important items, we have a few things:

This Friday, 9/20/24, we will have our FR1 meeting after practice!

  • After practice finishes at 6:20, we will plan on starting the meeting at 6:35
  • This meeting will go over expectations, our season plan, our age-group focuses, and some background information about myself and the sport!
  • This will be held in the "Lane-Line Cafe" which is located on deck (there is a double set of doors, straight if you were to walk in from the main entrance to the pool, I'll make sure people know where it is).

I've talked with some parents individually, and we'll go over this at our FR1 meeting this Friday 9/20, but if you haven't already, visit the Elsmore swim shop to make sure your swimmer has Fins and a Kickboard! Additionally, Elsmore recently received a stock of our "Meet" swim suits, so go ahead and stop by there to purchase a team suit we can use for meets!

There is now a groupme for FR1, go to this link to join the groupme! You'll need to provide an answer to the joining question (so we don't have people outside of the group join).

I mentioned this last week, but we want to represent our Royal colors, so we have what Coach Andy calls "Royal Fridays!" (an HSE tradition) where every Friday students/athletes, and coaches/teachers wear blue colors (specifically the shirt!)

  • This is not required, but heavily encouraged! We want to build team spirit, and it would be great to present a united blue front!
  • The shirt does not have to be HSE or SSC in nature, as long as it is royal blue in color! (Obviously, HSE or SSC shirts would be preferred!)

If you have any questions or comments for me, feel free to reach out to:




SSC Supersplash (Sept. 24)

  • The September Super Splash is the first opportunity to compete during the 2024-25 short course season. This meet will be held at HSE the morning of Saturday, Sept 28th.

  • Super Splashes are intrasquad meets, always held at HSE, which provide developmental athletes an opportunity to race in a low-pressure environment. They are a great opportunity to experience swim meets for the first time for new team members, and for more experienced athletes to try new events.

  • Volunteers will still be needed.There will be a signup genius at the meet calendar link soon!  Please be advised that Super Splash sessions do not count towards volunteer requirements

SSC Swimfest 2024

SSC Barndance Fall 2024  **AN EVENT, NOT A MEET****

  • Saturday Oct. 26th, 5-8PM at Sleepybear compound
  • This is an event where the whole team gets together and celebrates the beginning of the fall season!
  • The kids make a dance *lead and practiced with the group/team mom and al the groups perform their dance at the barndance!

Regardless of my poor memory, here is the link to our calendar page that should have information about any upcoming meets (such as the SSC Supersplash Sept. 24, and SSC Swimfest 2024!) and provide a spot to sign up for volunteer slots!

  • If you would like to leave a comment on the meet entry form as to what you'd like your swimmer to swim, you can do so. 
  • I will be the one assigning swimmers to events, so do not do so, but as noted you may leave comments if you want to suggest an event.

Here is the all-important link!!!


For anyone who wants to be more involved or read more on the swimming community, here are some organizations/swimming influential members that focus on the sport!

(here's a good one)