Champions in the Pool.

Champions in Life

Royals 1-2-3 for the week of Sept 8

Rich Wolfred

Champions in the Pool. Champions In Life.


Roayls 1-2-3 – Week 2

Last week was productive in the sense that the coaching staff was getting to know the swimmers and learn some names.  I speak for myself, it will take me a few more weeks to learn close to 70 swimmer’s names.  The sets they are doing will be different than what they have done in the past.  It will take time to learn some new expectations.  We are also educating them to what we are looking for.

CALENDAR Sept 9- 14

Mon: Royals 2-3, 6-7:45am,  All Royals 3:10-5:20pm

Tue: All Royals Dryland 6:45-8am,  All Royals 3:10-5:20pm

Wed: All Royals 6-7:45am,  No practice PM

Thu: All Royals Dryland 6:45-8am,  All Royals 3:10-5:20pm

Fri: Royal 3 only 6-7:45am  No Practice PM

Sat All Royals Swim and Dryland 7-10am



Sept 30th Welcome Splash, Royals typically do not swim in this meet.

Oct 4-5th All Royals should sign up for this meet.

Nov 15th-17th City of Mason, OH invite.  We want all of you to attend this meet if possible.  Especially Royals 3.  Girls will need a IHSAA waiver to swim in the meet.  Ask Coach Rich or Blake about this.

December meet is still being discussed.  We will look at high school schedule to decide if we add one for Royals.


Equipment:  There are still some swimmers that don’t have all their swimming gear.  Please ask your swimmer if they are missing something.

Snorkel, Pull Buoy, Hand Paddles, Short Fins, Drag sox
(Size 45) D-Band, Tempo Trainer (Royals 2-3)

Absence:  If your swimmer is going to be missing practice, please hand us a written note explaining the absence.  They have been telling us verbally, but it is hard to remember each one out of 70 swimmers.  We would appreciate it.

Breakfast:  We have the breakfast room schedule finally figured out and will be stocking it soon.  Thanks, swimmers, for your patience.

Senior Trip:  Been working on a new itinerary and we are close to announcing where we are going.  Still time to sign up if you would like to go.  It is the week of Fall Break

Questions:  If you have any lingering questions, please email me and I will get back to you.


Thank you all and look forward to a great week of training


Coach Rich