Champions in the Pool.

Champions in Life

Our Board of Directors

Southeastern Swim Club is managed by a Board of Directors, who are parent volunteers responsible for guiding the future of our Club. They work closely with the coaching staff, school administration, and other parents to maintain our Club's structure and provide a safe environment for our athletes.

The Board of Directors meets on the second Monday of every month at HSE High School from 7-9 pm.


Board of Directors Elections

Any SSC Class A member (parents) who is in good standing (no past due balances) and who has been a member of the club for two seasons or longer is eligible to be a director. A director can serve no more than two consecutive terms or six years. A one-year period must lapse before a member who has previously served two consecutive terms may run for the board again.

Directors shall be elected by a majority vote of the membership at the annual meeting. The annual meeting is to be held on the second Monday following the HSE School Corporation's spring break. The new Directors shall be elected from a slate of qualified candidates presented to the membership one month prior to the annual meeting.

Two additional board positions may be appointed by the HSE Head Coach or Board of Directors. Appointed Board members shall serve a term of 2 years and be approved with a majority vote. There shall be no limits to consecutive terms for appointed members.

If you are interested in becoming a board member, please speak with any of the current board members below to get a better understanding of what each position entails.


Kyle Hultgren


Tenure: Sept 2023 - Aug 2026

Kelley Otto


Tenure: May 2023 - April 2025

Jessica Salvadori


Tenure: Sept 2022 - Aug 2025

Scott Tabor


Tenure: Jan 2023 - Dec 2025

Amy Chesterfield


Tenure: Sept 2023 - Aug 2026

Stephanie Miller


Tenure: Sept 2024 - Aug 2027

Kathy Nelsen


Tenure: Sept 2024 - Aug 2027